Functional specification of

The ERP system is not only accessible without on premise installation, but also functioning on all types of Android and iOS smart phones and tablets. ERP + CRM + automated connection with multiple international sales channels, payment systems and couriers. A system that is pre-set and ready to go! With the options of importing quickly and easily all the information you need.

Architecture and system management


The system allows you to work not only with a specific user but also with an abstract “role” (position in company). So, when you replace an employee, the only thing you have to do is set up which roles the new employee is involved in. Working with roles also simplifies the internal management of the company, because you do not have to refer to a specific employee but to a role. The roles in the system are arranged hierarchically.


Users in the system have their own username and password. The individual username and password ensure that individual user actions can be recorded and tracked. Users in the system are organized by roles. One user can have multiple roles, and their rights become the aggregate rights of all their roles, which determine what they can see, and which operations and actions they can perform. Exceptions are made for the rights of accountable persons. They are assigned to a specific person when their responsibility is personal and not merely a role. Cash and bank accounts and warehouses have accountable persons.



  • Firms / Offices
  • Points of sales - Regions, Shops, Point of Sale
  • Accounts - cash, bank, virtual
  • Warehouses
  • Contacts - Clents, Suppliers, Banks, Holdings
  • Documents

Access control and permitions management

  • Access control and permitions to individual interfaces.
  • Access control and permitions to various objects in the system:
    • Access control and permitions to objects - offices, stores, accounts, etc.
    • Reports and access to documents related to objects.
  • Access control and permitions to documents
    • By document type - sales order, invoice, store out, etc.
    • By action - view, create, edit, cancel, delete, etc.
    • By object 


  • Access log ensures control and traceability of actions.
  • For each user in the system.
  • Who performed which action when, and which document was created, edited, archived or deleted.


Customers are the most critical asset for any business, but even high-quality customer service can deteriorate over time and when customer numbers increase. The CRM module will help you organize your customer information conveniently and easily, and make it available to everyone across the sales and management teams.

Account (contact) types and status

  • Predefined account types — clients, vendors, banks, administration, holdings — with specific functionality for each type
  • Client and Supplier types — define an unlimited number of client and supplier types.
  • Set user permissions for the different account types — access, creation, editing, archiving.
  • Account status — define an unlimited number of statuses for your accounts.

CRM Account file

  • Contact information — names, phone numbers, responsibilities, etc.
  • Multiple types of addresses and multiple addresses per account
  • Events
  • Bank accounts
  • Files and documents
  • Sales/Purchases history
  • Invoices/Payments history
  • Specific sales and pricing policies for the CRM account
    • Default price list
    • Default currency
    • Default tax applied
    • Payment terms
    • Specific discounts and prices
    • Credit limits based on sales/receivables
  • 360-degree view of the CRM account — volume of sales/purchases, receivables/payables, advances and deposits, account balance
  • Rights management to the information of the account
  • Set user permissions for access to account information
  • Complete log of operations for the account — who performed which action when, and which document was created, edited, archived or deleted

Tasks and events

  • Predefined event types
  • Planned future tasks and events
  • Add invitees from contacts in the CRM
  • Alert users of upcoming tasks and events:
    • By email
    • In the system
  • Attach files and documents
  • Refer to documents in the system
  • Assign tasks and monitor progress:
    • Assign personal and group task
    • Reassign tasks to other users
    • Information on task statuses - when it was opened and completed
    • Add comments to tasks


Sales is the energy that drives your business. The system supports multiple sales options, no matter how complex they are. The key to managing this complexity is the division between warehouse management, invoicing, and payments, which makes them independent yet associated steps in fulfilling and monitoring a sale.


  • Unlimited Points of Sale — stores, websites, warehouses, salespersons, etc.
  • Define an unlimited tree structure: Regions > Stores > Points of Sale (POS) — and filter information by each level
  • Retail sales:
    • Automatic Dispatch Orders/Store Outs
    • Support for Cash bills and Invoices
    • Support for cash/card payments
    • Invoicing multiple cash bills
  • Retail sales with delivery:
    • Order processing
    • Automatic generation of Bill of Ladings
    • Delivery routes
  • Wholesale sales:
    • Multiple invoices per sale - advance and final
    • Third-party invoicing
    • Multiple payments - cash, bank transfers, card payments, cash on delivery, payment by deposit
    • Multiple Dispatch Orders/Store Outs from one or more warehouses
    • Reserve quantities in warehouses for sales
    • Automatic Purchase orders for Sales Orders
    • Support for multiple taxes
  • Line discounts and document discounts
  • Price and quantity reversal
  • Products replacement
  • Discounts on volumes
  • Track expenses per sale

Pricing policies

  • Multiple models of pricing policies
    • Price lists
      • Price lists by type of client
      • Price lists by client
      • Retail price lists
      • Wholesales price lists
      • Support for minimum prices
      • Comprehensive user permissions for access to the specific price lists
      • Consecutive searching for a price from the most specific to the most generic set price
    • Promotions:
      • Pricing policies
      • Group pricing policies, and define those that exclude promotions and those that can be combined.
      • Define start and end dates for pricing policies
      • Bonus points — define different rules for earning and spending bonus points
  • Comprehensive user permissions for setting specific prices in sales orders
  • Comprehensive user permissions for giving line and document discounts
  • Set pricing policies by:
    • Specific or multiple clients
    • Client type
    • Client status
    • Specific or multiple products/services
    • Group of products/services
    • Point of Sale
    • Specific one or multiple salespersons
    • Brand
    • Supplier

Sales Order file

  • User permissions restrict access to certain information about a Sales Order
  • Related transactions — store operations, financial documents and payments
  • Additional Expenses related to the SO
  • Attached documents
  • History of operations


  • Integration with e-commerce systems — Magento, WooCommerce, OpenCart, CloudCart, etc.
  • Integration with marketplaces — Amazon, eBay, eMag, Vivre, etc.
  • Integration with shipping operators — automatic retrieval of Bill of Lading, automatic debit of virtual accounts for cash on delivery orders
  • Use of barcode scanners
  • Integration with fiscal printers and other specialized printers

Sales Reports

  • Sales:
    • Number of sales
    • Quantity of goods/services sold
    • Volume of sales
    • Invoiced
    • Fullfilled
  • Filtered on / Grouped by:
    • Clients
    • Specific goods/service or groups of goods/services
    • Brands
    • Sales location - by region, store, Point of Sale
    • Salesperson - by account manger or salesperson
    • Unique sales prices
  • ABC analysis:
    • By goods/services
    • By client
  • Average sales price by goods/services - minimum, maximum, standard deviation. 


  • Define targets for:
    • Single or multiple clients
    • Single or multiple goods/service
    • Client types
    • Group of goods/services
    • Slaes locations
    • Single or multiple salesperson
    • Single or multiple brands

PURCHASES MANAGEMENT ensures accurate monitoring of a company’s purchasing process. The module is fully integrated with the rest of the system, allowing accurate inventory management and preventing unnecessary waste of resources.

Supplier settings

  • Supplier price lists
  • Supplier SKUs for materials and goods - assign a Supplier, Supplier SKU and Supplier item name in the nomenclature of each item
  • Settings for:
    • Individual price list
    • Default currency
    • Credit limit
    • Payment terms
    • Default tax applied

Purchase orders and deliveries

  • Multiple deliveries per purchase order to one or many warehouses
  • Multiple invoices per purchase order — advance and final
  • Direct Store Ins per purchase order (omitting the delivery step)
  • Support for work with lots, expiry dates, serial numbers, etc.
  • Multiple payments per invoice — cash, bank payment, payment by deposit
  • Automatic generation of purchase orders for one or many sales orders
  • Support for different taxes
  • Line and document discounts as a percentage or an absolute sum
  • Price and quantity reversals
  • Discounts on purchase orders — automatic calculation of discounts on multiple purchase orders for a vendor
  • Track expenses per purchase order

Purchase Order file

  • User permissions restrict access to certain information about a purchase order
  • Related transactions — store operations, financial documents and payments
  • Expenses accumulated for the purchase order
  • Attached files and documents
  • History of operations

Purchases reports

  • Purchases:
    • Number of purchases
    • Quantity of goods/materials
    • Order volume
    • Invoiced orders
    • Fulfillment
  • Filtered/grouped by:
    • Supplier
    • Goods/services
    • Groups of goods/services
    • Brands
  • Average sales price by goods/services – minimum, maximum, standard . 

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS allows you to create and manage multiple offices, warehouses and sub-warehouses with separate departments or areas, and to define complex geometries or territorial divisions with numerous stores and Points of Sale.

Nomenclature management

  • Support for lots.
  • Support for serial numbers.
  • Support for expiry dates.
  • Supported nomenclature types - goods, materials, products, Bill Of Materials (BOMs).
  • Multiple units of measurement per item, with formulae to convert from one to another.
  • Select default and secondary units of measurement.
  • Specific units of measurement for purchasing and sales.
  • Brands.
  • Groups of goods/services.
  • Related items.
  • Item characteristics - set different types of additional characteristics:
    • For groups of goods/services.
    • Define which characteristics are required.
  • Images.
  • Volumne and weight.
  • Intrastat codes.

Items file

  • Inventory - by warehouses and locations, by lot and serial number.
  • Store operations and requests.
  • Inventory by consignment and rent contract.
  • Sales.
  • Orders.
  • Multilingual support.
  • User permissions restrict access to certain information in the Item file.


  • Add an unlimited number of warehouses and sub-warehouses with sectors and locations
  • Define different areas or locations in the warehouses
  • Work with negative quantities
  • Inventory at a certain date and compare inventories at two dates
  • Detailed inventory report by warehouse and location
  • Minimum safety stock and optimal quantity of stock
  • Inventory of rent and consignment contracts
  • Cost
    • Cost based on direct and indirect expenses.
    • Cost of lots.
    • Automatic calculation of cost at warehouses.
    • User permissions restrict access to cost information.
    • Edit past warehouse operations with automatic recalculation of costs.

Logisitics and warehouses management

  • Full and partial inspection.
  • Revaluation of inventory.
  • Store transfers.
  • Delivery Orders/Store Ins.
  • Dispatch Oreders/Store Outs.
  • Orders for scrapping.
  • Packiging Orders, Bills of Lading.
  • Routes management for sales fulfilment and store transfers


  • Integration with speditors - automatic generation of bills of lading, calculation of weight and volume, monitoring of order status, automatic crediting of couriers’ virtual accounts for cash on delivery orders
  • Integration with barcode scanners
  • Integration with fiscal printers and other specialized printers

Warehouse and logistics reports

  • Inventory turnover - starting balance, all moves In and Out, ending balance
  • Goods and materials turnover
  • Loading stock report
  • Inventory planning
  • Pending requests


Work Orders

  • Multiple recipies per product
  • Import of recipies from XLS files
  • Operations in recipies
  • Cost calculation per product 

Manufacturing reports

  • Materials used
  • Production


Make all your financial transactions in one place with a minimal chance of human error and no risk of omitting a critical operation. Real-time information on your company’s overall financial picture to help you make the right decisions on time.

Bank and cash accounts

  • Create an unlimited number of bank, cash and virtual accounts
  • Work with an unlimited number of currencies
  • Automatic setting of exchange rates for all currencies
  • Multicurrency accounts
  • Import bank statements and automatic reconciliation

Financial documents

  • Support for all legal requirements
  • Define an unlimited number of financial documents
  • Multiple invoices per sales order
  • Invoicing in a different currency than the sales order
  • Invoicing for multiple cash bills
  • Define protocols
  • Support for different templates for each document
  • Multilingual support


  • Multiple payments per invoice
  • Payment in a different currency than the invoice
  • Cash transfers, restricted by user permissions
  • Payment by deposit
  • Cash back

Manage access to documents and accounts

  • User permissions restrict access to certain account information
  • User permissions restrict access to certain documents (create, view, edit, cancel, delete)
  • Full log of all operations

Financial reports

  • Support for unlimited nomenclatures in revenues and expenses
  • Revenue reports
  • Expenditure reports
  • Receivables and overdue receivables
  • Payables and overdue payables
  • Liquidity/cash flow
  • Expected cash flow
  • Statements of revenue and expenditure
  • Advances
  • Deposits

Cloud based ERP system

Do you want a functional ERP that meets your needs?

The future of business software is here! One system that brings together CRM, sales, purchasing, warehousing and finance, organized the way successful companies operate. Contact our business consultants, who will provide you with adequate assistance and detailed explanations so that you can make an informed choice.

+359 (88) 297 8331